Special Collections
Special Collections at The HC
- Antisemitism Collection
- Art
- Artifacts
- Book Collection Online Catalog
- Coins and Currency
- Concentration camp records (microfilm and published sources)
- Der Stuermer (microfilm)
- Dissertations on Holocaust topics (microfilm)
- Film Documentaries (Duplicate copies available for loan to educational institutions)
- German archival documents from the Reichssicherheitshauptamt compiled and translated by Hans R. Weinmann
- Jewish Displaced Persons Periodicals (microfilm)
- Jewish Telegraphic Agency News Bulletins for WWII Years (microfilm)
- Kindertransport Collection
- Lambert Collection
- Maps
- New York Times 1940-2009 (microfilm)
- Oral History Department
- Periodicals and Newspapers
- Photographs and Albums
- Polish Jewish Survivors, 300,000 (microfilm)
- Postcards
- Posters
- Rare/Brittle Book Collection
- Vertical Files
- World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants