Reading Room

Afro-Germans and the Holocaust
By Joshua Wilson, Museum Educator at The HC – During Black History Month, we want to honor the memories of Black people who lived through the violent and hateful ideology…

A Memorial Tribute to Hans Weinmann, Devoted Friend to the Holocaust Memorial Center
By: Feiga Weiss, Head Librarian and Archivist – On Wednesday, September 15, 2021, Hans Weinmann was laid to rest in the Clover Hill Park Cemetery, in Birmingham. It was a…

BOOK REVIEW: “The Ratline: Love, Lies, and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive”
By: Alan Gershel, Volunteer Docent – One of my colleagues in our docent training class, who was aware that I was a former prosecutor with an interest in the Nuremberg…

A Cry for Tomorrow
By: HMC Editorial Staff – Dr. David Weinberg, many years a member of the Holocaust Memorial Center, was first introduced to Berry Nahmia at a synagogue in Athens, Greece, at…

Berlin’s Jewish Hospital
By Dr. Stuart Falk, Volunteer Docent The survival of 800 adults and children in WWII Germany at Berlin’s Jewish Hospital is the subject Daniel Silver’s book Refuge in Hell: How…

The Anne Frank Lithograph – Our Hidden Treasure
By: Anne Donato, Ph.D, Education Specialist – There is an old saying…one man’s findings are another man’s treasure. And as I looked from my desk out into our library archives,…

A Menorah That Escaped The Anschluss
By: HMC Archival Staff – This brass Menorah (c. 1900), used during the Jewish festival of Chanukah, was brought to the US by Lili and Karl Kolb in 1938, shortly…

Artifacts: Oh, the stories they can tell!
By: HMC Editorial Staff – The Holocaust Memorial Center is the repository of numerous Holocaust artifacts. They often have fascinating backgrounds from which we can learn important historical and ethical…